Dwarf hunting in Wroclaw

Day 12-13 Apart from cycling, we do not get as much exercise as we have hoped for during this trip so far, so we decided to go for a little hunt. Yes a hunt, a dwarf hunt, the most popular sport in Wroclaw (pronounce ‘Frotzlaf’) in Poland. wroclawA tough sport I suppose, because you need a sharp eye, and also patience. Not because they run away, of course not, but because there is a hell lot of other people playing the same game and you might have to wait to get a clear (photo)shot. Blog-2 Apart from the fun, the dwarves have a story that we have discovered in this hidden gem of Poland. Wroclaw has been a center of opposition of the communism regime. The Dwarves have been created to commemorate the actions of Orange Alternative movement, an activist group opposing authoritarian communism, who originally started painting dwarves over state propaganda – this became known as one of the most picturesque  oppositions to Stalinism (that’s not from me, that’s from Wikipedia!) Blog-1konspira In the same vein, we had dinner at Cafe Konspira, an astonishing place. On top of being a lovely restaurant nicely decorated with excellent food, the place provides an educating  menu about the history of the fight against communism. This place was a real hideout for the opposition, so if you ever go there, check out their secret room! konspira2

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